Alpha Lactalbumin; Beta Lactoglobulin; Casein; Cheddar Cheese; Cheese; Mold Type; Cows Milk; Whey; Yogurt; Blue Mussel; Clam; Cod; Crab; Halibut; Lobster; Oyster; Salmon; Scallop; Shrimp; Sole; Trout; Tuna; Apple; Apricot; Banana; Blueberry; Grapefruit; Grape; Kiwi; Lemon; Mango; Melo; Orange; Peach; Pear; Pineapple; Plum; Strawberry; Watermelon; Almond; Barley; Brazil Nut; Buckwheat; Chestnut; Coconut; Corn; Gluten - Wheat; Green Bean; Green Pea; Hazelnut; Kidney Bean; Lima Bean; Oat; Peanut; Pecan; Pinto Bean; Pistachio Nut; Rice; Rye; Soybean; Walnut; Wheat- Whole; White Bean; Beef; Chicken; Lamb; Pork; Turkey; Egg White-Chicken; Egg Yolk-Chicken; Bakers Yeast; Chocolate; Coffee Bean; Ginger; Mushroom; Oregano; Parsley; Seasame Seed; Sugar Cane; Vanilla; Vegetables; Asparagus; Avocado; Broccoli; Cabbage; Carrot; Cauliflower; Celery; Cucumber; Garlic; Green Pepper; Lettuce; Onion; Pumpkin; Spinach; Sweet Potato; Tomato; White Potato; Candida Albicans
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96 IgE Food Panel + Total IgE, Serum
Test ID: 96IGEP S
Orderable by Ontario ND
Report Includes
Clinical Utility
96 IgE Food Panel assesses IgE response to 96 foods, carefully selected for their potential reactivity and their relevance to modern diets. Total IgE is included. This test can be ordered independently or bundled with any IgG/IgG4/ IgA food panels for more comprehensive information.
Test Location
US Biotek, WA, USA
Test Version
Sample Volume
6 mL
Additional Information
A specimen collection kit is available. To order a kit online, please register or login. For assistance or more information, please click here to send us an email or call 416-422-3000 x 300.
For additional information refer to the US Biotek website 96 Food IgE Panel
Test Version
Performance / Interpretation
Turnaround Time
10 Days
Sample Reports
Sample Report at external website.
Test Location
US Biotek, WA, USA
Test Version