Treating Menstrual Cycle Problems with Knowledge – Utilizing Menstrual Cycle Mapping to Optimize Female Health

Treating Menstrual Cycle Problems with Knowledge - Utilizing Menstrual Cycle Mapping to Optimize Female Health

Treating Menstrual Cycle Problems with Knowledge – Utilizing Menstrual Cycle Mapping to Optimize Female Health


May 24 at 7:00pm-8:00pm EST


Learning Objectives:


The amazing female menstrual cycle results in optimal health, when it functions as it should. Unfortunately, many women suffer from a large variety of health symptoms related to malfunctioning cycles. PMS, irregularity, menstrual cramps, insomnia, perimenopausal symptoms, night sweats and hot flashes, and migraines are just a few of the condition’s women suffer from. With the utilization of the menstrual mapping test, we can define the menstrual cycle hormonal picture and create a targeted therapeutic approach with personalized menstrual cycle therapies.


Register Here for 7:00 PM EST



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