Fertility Awareness Week

Fertility Awareness Week

Optimize your Patients’ Fertility Journey


In recognition of Fertility Awareness Week, explore our handpicked list of commonly ordered tests for fertility investigation.

These particular tests below can provide a nuanced understanding of hormonal dynamics, uncovering subtle imbalances that may go undetected through conventional methods.

Acknowledging the importance of prioritizing personalized care, this comprehensive list could assist you to deliver targeted interventions and optimize patient outcomes.

Lab Tests to Investigate Fertility in Women:


Hormone Investigation: Analyzing fluctuating hormones can pinpoint imbalances that may not be detected in standard single-day blood work and may indicate hormonal imbalances.

HuMap,Doctor’s Data

Androgens and Progesterones Profile,Doctor’s Data

DUTCH Complete + DUTCH Cycle Mapping, Precision Analytical

DUTCH Cycle Mapping Only,Precision Analytical 

DUTCH Cycle Mapping + Adrenal, Precision Analytical 

DUTCH Cycle Mapping PLUS, Precision Analytical

DUTCH Cycle Mapping + Sex Hormones, Precision Analytical 

Menstrual Cycle Mapping, ZRT


Toxin Panels: Environmental Pollutants are known to be endocrine disruptors and can affect fertility.

Environmental Pollutants Profile (EPP)*, US BioTek

Mercury Tri TestQuicksilver

Toxic Elements Exposure Profile (hair), Doctor’s Data

Urine Toxic Metals Profile, Doctor’s Data


Nutrient Evaluation: This tool is valuable for detecting nutrient imbalances and deficiencies and oxidative stress, which is linked to poor egg quality.

NutristatUS BioTek


Comprehensive Stool Analysis: Suspected gut issues? If dysbiosis is present in the system it could indicate underlying hormonal imbalances.

GI 360, Doctor’s Data

GI Standard Profile, US BioTek

GI Advanced Profile, US BioTek

GI MAP, Diagnostics Solutions Laboratory


Thyroid Panel InvestigationThis can be very helpful in investigation for infertility imbalances related to the Thyroid.

Thyroid Monitoring Panel (TSH, Free T3, Free T4, anti-TPO, anti-thyroglobulin), ICL



Understanding Fertility with the DUTCH Test