Complexities of modern laboratory testing in Lyme Disease and virus infections

Complexities of modern laboratory testing in Lyme Disease and virus infections

Complexities of modern laboratory testing in Lyme Disease and virus infections

Presented by:

Dr. Armin Schwarzbach (M.D., PhD.)

Specialist for laboratory medicine, ArminLabs, Augsburg, Germany

Lyme-Borreliosis and coinfections are the chameleon of symptoms, laboratory tests and therapies. Many patients can be infected after tick-bites with several bacteria within the ticks (“multiple infections”).  There is more tendency by the entomologists to look at different kinds of ticks by PCR for other bacteria like Ehrlichia/Anaplasma, Rickettsia, Babesia and Bartonella. There are many evidence-based studies about Borrelia burgdorferi and for example Ehrlichia/Anaplams as the causing agents in patients with inflammatory arthritis. Modern diagnostic laboratory tests with the highest sensitivity and specificity for Lyme and coinfections are for example T-cell based like EliSpot testings and Tickplex Basic (persister form antibodies).

This presentation aims to show different laboratory tests for Borrelia burgdorferi and other bacterial and viral infections explaining the different diagnostic test possibilities in multisystem diseases.


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