Workshop on Challenging Hormone Cases and How to Prescribe Compounded Thyroid Replacement

25th January 2021
Workshop on Challenging Hormone Cases and How to Prescribe Compounded Thyroid Replacement Presented by ZRT Labs
Friday Feb 5th 11:00am – 3:30pm EST
This workshop will be conducted by Dr. Pamela Smith who is an internationally known practitioner and speaker specializing in natural hormone replacement and thyroid therapies. Dr. Smith will discuss her most interesting and challenging patient cases over her more than 40 years of practice. Where do you begin on Monday morning with difficult cases and difficult patients? How do you answer the patient’s most stimulating, inspiring, puzzling, perplexing, and sometimes provocative questions? How do you write a prescription for compounded thyroid? What is the role of low dose naltrexone in these patients? This workshop will be interactive and there will be ample time to have your questions answered concerning these and other thought-provoking questions
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